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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Year Five is part of the ‘Upper Phase’ in our school. Mrs Brown is the phase leader and her role is to support the staff, children and families. If you have any questions, concerns or positive feedback then we would love to hear from you. You can contact Mrs Brown via the school office or by emailing

Throughout Year 5, we offer every pupil the opportunity to further themselves academically as well as socially through the provision we have in place.  As a cohort, we look forward to celebrating their successes and helping and supporting them through any challenges they may face.  Our personal qualities are completely embedded throughout all aspects of our curriculum, and as a result we feel that children will become independent and creative learners, with an excellent attitude and focus, ready to move into Year 6.   

We have some very exciting learning opportunities throughout the year linked to our topics ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’, ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ and 'Spirit of Samba'. Within each of these topics, we are hoping to offer curriculum enriching opportunities, such as visiting Leicester Space Centre and attending a Rainforest Roadshow which includes the opportunity to hold some real life rainforest creatures!

If there are ever any questions that you need to discuss with your child’s class teacher, please do not hesitate to contact us on Seesaw. We hope that by working together, we can ensure your child has a highly successful and enjoyable year.