mppscoventry - 17 January
Year 5 had an incredible day this week. We had visitors from Warwick university, who brought in a planetarium and many space related activities. The children loved experimenting with magnetic forces and considering whether there is life on other planets!
mppscoventry - 17 January
On Wednesday, Manor Park Choir took part in the Young Voices 2025 concert at BP Pulse Live Arena in Birmingham. They were joined by 5600 other children for a huge unmissable sing-a-long!
mppscoventry - 10 January
This week in Geography, Year 3 have been learning about the different biomes in the world and the food that is grown in them.
mppscoventry - 10 January
This week Year 4 have been learning about Anglo-Saxon settlements. They created wattle and daub using hay and clay.
mppscoventry - 10 January
In Science Year 5 explored the fascinating force of gravity - the invisible pull that shapes our world and the universe beyond! The children tested many objects to see which reached the ground the quickest, and worked collaboratively to ensure that each test carried out was fair.
mppscoventry - 10 January
Well done to our first Upper Phase SOAR superstars of 2025! We are very proud of you all.
mppscoventry - 20 December
Year 6 have been looking at the artist Henry Moore and exploring the different techniques used in his work. They have created their own piece of artwork inspired by his sketches, paintings and sculptures.
mppscoventry - 20 December
The children in Year 4 tested a range of materials to find out which are conductors or insulators of electricity. We found out that metals are very good conductors.
mppscoventry - 20 December
The children in The Hive have really been enjoying the dance sessions as well as cooking – this week they made cheese and chive scones.
mppscoventry - 13 December
In science in Year 1, we've been learning all about humans. We've explored our 5 senses, our body parts, and our similarities and differences.
mppscoventry - 13 December
In Reception, we have been busy practising this year's Christmas show - ‘The Twinkly Nativity!’ We have been so impressed by all our fantastic super stars. We can’t wait for you to see the show!
mppscoventry - 13 December
This week Nursery have performed their 'Wriggly Nativity'. The children sang beautifully and put on a brilliant show. Super job Nursery!
I would like to warmly welcome you to Manor Park Primary School. We are incredibly proud of our school and the children who come here to learn and soar to success.