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Early Years Extended Provision (EYEP)

Early Years Extended Provision (EYEP)

Mrs Bygrave Early Years Leader

Mrs Butlin EYEP Manager

Mrs Chahal EYEP Nursery Nurse

Mrs Scott EYEP Nursery Nurse

Mrs Stirling EYEP Play Worker

Miss Tremain EYEP Key Worker

Mrs Jackson EYEP Key Worker

Mrs Black EYEP Play Worker

Mrs Sayed EYEP Play Worker

Mrs Khalid EYEP Play Worker

Mrs Crosby EYEP Play Worker

Miss Cleverley EYEP Play Worker

Contact details:

Mrs Bygrave 02476 501736

Mrs Butlin 02476 501736


Learning, Playing and Growing Together – To Achieve My Best


All children in Foundation Stage at Manor Park Primary School are given equal opportunities to discover their strengths and abilities through an exciting, engaging and challenging curriculum. All practitioners are equipped to support, listen and respond to the children through every stage of their development and share the vision that each child is individual and unique. Parents are valued as partners in their child’s achievements and next steps in learning through effective communication and regular opportunities to share and celebrate progress and attainment together.

A warm welcome to all our new children and their families

At Manor Park we are able to offer extended provision for parents/carers who require the flexibility of combining a free funded nursery session with additional provision at a charge to be paid by the parent/carer, this includes the 30 hour free funding.  We also accept vouchers. Your child can attend Tree Tops from the day after they are 3, but would not qualify for funding until a term after their 3rd birthday. We also have additional places for children who are two years old.

·         If your child is born between 1st January to 31st March you can access funded places, if available, from after the Easter break

·         If your child is born between 1st April to 31st August you can access funded places, if available, from 1st September

·         If your child is born between 1st September to 31st December you can access funded places, if available, from 1st January.

These dates are following your child’s 3rd birthday. If you require any further information about this you can visit the Coventry City Council by clicking HERE.

Your free funded sessions can be for any session during the school day. We are very flexible and tailor to individual needs. All extended provision is provided in Tree Tops Nursery located in the upper part of school.  We have our own entrance which is accessed via the upper playground gates. The nursery consists of 2 fully resourced and accessible rooms with the highest quality provision for the children to explore and includes a purpose built outdoor area which houses a sand and water area, a mud kitchen and has access to the adventure playground adjacent to it. 

Early Years Extended Day  

Named by the children themselves your child’s extended day will be in ‘Tree Tops.'  We also have access to the forest school and we visit the school library on a weekly basis.  Our aim is to support our families and provide a safe secure happy environment where your child can play and learn. We take into account how our children are feeling so there may be days when our timetable and or routines for the day change according to their wellbeing.

We observe our children, plan next steps and contribute to their assessment. We work closely with our school nursery and take into account what topics have been planned for their main school nursery session. We try not to repeat these but there may be times when we compliment a topic by planning a different aspect of the theme.

All sessions need to be booked in advance by contacting Mrs Butlin:

Tel: Tel: 024 7650 1736

We can offer emergency or late notice bookings for those unforeseen situations that can arise. If you have a booked session but choose for your child not to attend you will still be charged for this session. Providing places are still available, we also offer a January and April intake. For information about prices and sessions you require, please contact our EYEP Manager, Mrs. Butlin on the email or number above.

If you are unsure if you qualify for the 30 hour free funding you can visit to check your eligibility. Additional information can be found in our admissions policy which can be found on the website.

At Manor Park Nursery, we offer your child opportunities for fun, interactive and imaginative learning and celebrate each child’s strengths and areas of interest. Children make full use of our extensive grounds and our wonderful indoor and outdoor learning environments which have been created to support children’s learning and development to explore and discover the world around them. The children learn through a stimulating range of child and adult initiated play and learning experiences, laying firm foundations for the challenges of their individual futures. Children develop, consolidate and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills across the 7 areas of learning.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development is central to all the experiences that we offer the children across Early Years. They are the life skills through which we encourage the children to have respect for themselves and others, develop their social interactions and positive dispositions to learn.

Communication and Language is fundamental to the teaching and learning in Foundation. We encourage the children to become confident at speaking, listening and in using their imaginations to communicate. Having high aspirations for our children to use and apply more complex language impacts on their ability to talk, express their thoughts, read, write and spell.

Physical Development of the children in The Foundation Stage is encouraged through opportunities for them to be active and interactive and to improve their skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement. We teach the importance of keeping healthy and being aware of their bodies.

Literacy, reading and writing skills are promoted through carefully planned and systematic teaching and activities throughout the year. We share a range of books and rhymes with the children and encourage them to explore writing and mark making through role play and creative activities.

Mathematical Development focuses on the knowledge and skills which enable young children to become confident and independent in their use of numbers. The children are given opportunities to recognise and use numbers reliably, to develop mathematical ideas and to solve problems. Shape, space and measures are also explored.

Understanding the World is an exciting part of our curriculum which includes designing and making, ICT, time, place and communities. Our carefully planned activities help to support the children in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world in which we live.

Expressive Arts and Design enables the children to explore their creativity.  These include art, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role-play activities. We will support the children in exploring and sharing their thoughts and feelings through a variety of areas of learning.

If you have any questions or queries then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs. A. Bygrave (Early Years Leader)

Mrs. K. Butlin (EYEP Manager)